Business Succession Concepts Help

Printed presentations

The printed presentation can be used to present to the clients or as a leavebehind. Impact’s recommendation is that, even when you’re preparing and using the on-screen presentation, use the printed presentation to leave with the client(s) so they can review the presentation later.

You can also include a considerable number of additional resources pages including alternative solutions and how they work. Additional resources selected will appear at the end of the presentation.

Business Continuation rearranges the owners entered based on the percent of ownership (highest to lowest) and is displayed in that same order in the printed presentation.

The printed presentation also includes a graph comparing the different methods to fund each owner’s solution (Cash, Borrow, Sinking Fund, or Life Insurance); Using insurance to fund the buy/ Sell, using the sinking fund, borrowing and what the net present value of each of these methods is worth. For example, the life insurance shows the death benefit, the annual premium of what you paid and what the business value is.

Sinking fund

Assumes that you’ve paid in the premiums to the sinking fund and earned interest, so the cumulative value in the sinking fund is what the premiums would have grown to.

Borrowing fund

Borrowing is waiting until death and then borrowing at the rate shown. The net present value of the borrowing as the cost per dollar is a very interesting calculation. It shows exactly what each dollar cost. We know that if you wait and pay cash, each dollar costs one dollar at that time; however, if you take the value of that one dollar when buying life insurance and the sum of the premiums paid, you see that sometimes you are really only paying pennies for dollars. Each of the funding methods occurs at a different time(s).

The present value of each makes it easy to compare the costs of each method. Borrowing usually costs more than a dollar for each dollar of business interest bought. Insurance usually costs less than a dollar for each dollar of business interest brought.

Action plan

Both the on-screen and printed presentation ends with an Action Plan that shows exactly what the steps are to implement the solutions presented. Each action has a check box to indicate each point but, more importantly, so that they can be checked off as they are completed. This helps to get a commitment from the client to do the next step and to get the plan implemented. A Business Continuation plan does not do any good unless it’s actually put into effect.