PDF Fact Finders

Download PDF Fact Finders RPS PDF Fact Finder Download PDF Life Goals PDF Fact Finder Download PDF Tools included in Advisor Controls Pro: Social Security Pro PDF Fact Finder Download PDF Qualified Plan PDF Fact Finder Download PDF Estate Planning Concepts PDF Fact...

Use Client Data in Multiple Apps

Use Client Data in Multiple Apps Every app you use with a case is indicated by the app icon under Apps Used. If you click on one of the app icons, that case will open in the app you clicked on. If you want to use the same case data with another app, click the plus (+)...

Your Leads Dashboard

Navigating to Your Leads Dashboard Click on the Leads tab to display your leads dashboard, where contact info for new leads will be stored. On this screen, you will also find the personalized URL and QR codes for each lead generation app or digital fact finder you...

Import a Case to Your Dashboard

Drag-and-Drop Case Importing Advisor Controls allows you to work on cases collaboratively through the drag-and-drop case importing feature. Once you’ve received a saved case PDF file, you can use that PDF to import the case data directly on to your dashboard....

Duplicate a Case from Your Dashboard

Duplicate a Case from Your Dashboard You can create multiple scenarios for the same client by clicking the duplicate icon located next to the delete icon. This will prompt you to create a new name for the duplicated case. Once you’ve clicked duplicate case, you...