Mitigate Risks to Your Plan (CFD)

Mitigate risks your plan The final section in the Cash Flow Decisions tool is used to help mitigate any potential risk to your client’s financial plan. We offer various scenarios and options that can be used on a per client basis. In order to optimize planning, we...

Market Downturn (CFD)

Market downturn The Cash Flow Decisions software allows advisors to compare current cash flow to proposed cash flow in the event of a market downturn. By simulating possible downturns in the market, we are better able to understand and predict how your client’s...

Proposed Cash Flow (CFD)

Proposed cash flow On the “Proposed Cash Flow” tab you will see your client’s current cash flow based on the adjustments and preferences previously selected on the left of the screen. The right side of the screen shows the proposed cash flow with a variety of options...

Adding Reliable Income Sources (CFD)

Reliable income sources After viewing the current cash flow, you are able to add proposed forms of reliable income such as a reverse mortgage, life insurance, and annuities. This tool is useful for visualizing the benefits of adding a safety blanket or more guaranteed...

Current Cash Flow (CFD)

Current cash flow The Current Cashflow tab illustrates the summation of your client’s financial portfolio and puts it into readable and understandable data that forecasts cash flow for years to come. Based on the financial standing of the client at hand, you will...